Saturday, June 18, 2016

Low Platelet Count Treatment

Low Platelet Count Treatment
Platelets raise Patients DB (Dengue) with Fast indeed a desire for passion or relatives of patients with dengue fever. This is because the disease dengue fever will reduce Platelets briefly, as in the case of one patient DN, in time with the initial Platelets at 135 drops to around 50 within 3 days. This is certainly an awareness in the transition season, like today where an outbreak of a serious threat DB and difficult unstoppable.

Platelets are a component of blood that is important, so that when platelets dropped or lower than normal, it must be increased in order to return in normal condition. Platelets also called platelets (platelet), are small cells in the blood, which serves to help the formation of blood clots, which can stop the bleeding that occurs when there is. Platelets are normally only survived for about nine days in the bloodstream and are constantly being replaced by new cells formed by bone marrow in humans or animals. If the value of platelets is too low, then excessive bleeding may occur can be life-threatening. Bleeding occurs not only on the outside of the body due to injuries (external bleeding), but can also be generated internally (invisible because in organs).

Value (amount) of normal platelets is 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microliter of blood. And to increase platelets in patients DB (Dengue), are as follows:

Consumption of healthy foods, especially fruits (oranges, tomatoes, guava and kiwi) and fresh green leafy vegetables.

Avoid processed foods, refined sugar, alcohol, caffeine-containing beverages, and ready meals. Also, avoid alcohol and caffeinated beverages. Due to unhealthy foods and beverages can cause the platelet count becomes more down because it can inhibit the production by the bone marrow.

Consumption of food containing Vitamin B12 (eggs, milk, cheese, liver, and mutton) Vitamin B12 and folic acid (spinach, citrus fruits, and dried beans).

Consumption of foods containing omega-3 fatty acids (fish, flax seed oil, fish oil, tuna and wild salmon), to enhance the body's natural immune system and can increase platelets.

Vitamins and Mineral Supplements Consumption (1,000 IU of vitamin C every day), if you are difficult to digest fruit or certain vegetables. Supplements will strengthen the immune system and can increase platelets naturally.

Drinking warm water and avoid drinks cold water, because cold drinks may affect how the body absorbs nutrients.

Drink plenty of water, because blood cells are made of water and protein, so if you drink more water, then you will produce more blood cells, including platelets increase.

Rest and sleep at least 7 to 8 hours per night, to help the body back fresh and produce more platelets.

Avoid activities that can cause bleeding, including sports or activities that could cause injury (scratches, cracks, or cuts).

Avoid Drugs pain reliever and fever (fever) which can inhibit the production and platelet function, namely Aspirin and Ibuprofen. So when you have a fever, but there are people around you are infected with Dengue Fever, immediately consult a physician in order to be given the right medicine.

In addition to the above, you can also use Papaya leaf juice as a traditional medicine with no side effects of dengue fever. Benefits of Papaya Leaf that contain the enzyme papain and chymopapain to increase platelets has been proven by research. Pharmaceutical companies have also been using the papaya leaf extract in capsules and liquid formulas as enhancing drug platelets dropped. Many doctors also recommend dengue fever patients to drink 20 to 25 ml papaya fruit juice, twice a day for a week as a cure Dengue.
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With proper treatment, the Patient Increase Platelet DB (Dengue Fever) can be done quickly and easily. The most important thing is to always check the condition of your platelets, and always keep the living environment, because the DB will grow peas in an unattended environment.


How to Quickly Increase Platelet Patient DB (Dengue Fever) can be done by means of easy and natural, Consumption of oranges, tomatoes, guava, kiwi and fresh green leafy vegetables can improve the patient's platelets production DB, Patients are advised DB augment drinking water but should avoid cold water.

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