Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Green Tea Side Effects

Green Tea Side Effects

Drinking green tea Daily Schedule

To get the maximum benefits of tea, drinking at least six to seven cups per day.

1. The morning

You can drink green tea the morning after wake up to help break down fats. Should drink green tea in a warm State, not with ice. In addition, the consumption of green tea in the morning can also prevent free radicals, and reduced appetite.

2. Before breakfast

Drink green tea before breakfast can help burn breakfast foods and reduce the sense of want snacking before lunch.

3. Before lunch

If before lunch you drink green tea first, then you will not eat too much because the stomach is already filled liquid. It also helps the body burn more.

4. Before dinner

Finally, drink green tea before dinner. Drink green tea before dinner helps digest food and burn fat while we sleep.

You can combine drinking plain water as much as 10 cups water and 4 cups of green tea per day in the diet program. Giampaolo also with a balanced diet and exercise regularly. In addition to the benefits of green tea certainly has the side effect of also, also read the article on "the side effects of green tea here". wish every article made could be beneficial for all.

Benefits Of Green Tea

In addition to helping the diet program, green tea also has a range of other benefits for the body. Here are some of the benefits and the benefits of green tea that you can get.
  • To prevent premature aging 
  • Strengthen teeth, prevent cavities and helps reduce bad breath. 
  • Good for skin health. 
  • Help the performance of the brain. 
  • Antioxidants, nutrients in green tea are believed capable of absorbing toxins that interfere with the body. 
  • Reduce the risk of Cancer and Heart Disease. 
  • Cope with acne and eczema. 

Green Tea Side Effects

In addition to the myriad of benefits and the benefits we can get from green tea, it turns out that there is also a side effect that we need to pay attention to. Among them are:

1. Effects of Caffeine

Although the caffeine content in green tea is lower than coffee, continues to provide the effect of caffeine on the body such as sleeplessness, faster heart rate, anxiety and blood pressure rises.

2. Abdominal Bloating

For those of you who have ulcer disease, we recommend that you need to consider to consume green tea in large quantities. Because green tea contains many tannins that can trigger stomach to produce more acid. If taken when the stomach is still empty, then it can be aggravating Your ulcer disease.

3. Iron deficiency

The excess tannins and the substances in the blood may inhibit absorption of iron against the body.

4. Osteoporosis

This is one of the effects of green tea are pretty terrible, especially for women. Green tea is believed to be carrying more calcium in the body out through the urine, rather than other diuretic substance.

5. Can affect Pregnancy

Pig mothers who are pregnant should reduce the intake of high quantities of green tea. Caffeine content can cross the placenta and enter the fetal circulation, in its effects, namely miscarriage. Although not prohibited, should limit drinking green tea for pregnant women.
Green Tea For Dieting
Thus the benefits and effects of green tea. Thank you, have visited, hopefully, the article made always give benefits make all readers if there are criticisms and suggestions conveyed in our comment column.

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